Tips to prevent identity theft when traveling

Tips to prevent identity theft when traveling

Travelers are often well versed on how to avoid scams and theft while traveling. In today’s digital age, aside from keeping your belongings safe, you want to keep your identity secure as well. Modern technology has made it easier for scammers to get access to your identity. Read these tips on how to prevent identity theft while traveling…


Unpack/empty your wallet and purse before you go


Many of us carry essential documents with us in our wallet or purse. Things like social security card, medical documents, checkbooks – make sure to ‘unpack before you travel’, remove these before you leave home. If you are unsure, make a scan and email it to yourself, so there is no chance of someone getting ahold of them.


Guard Your Documents


This might seem straight forward but it pays to pay attention and not leave any sensitive documents lying around your hotel room. Keep any important documents locked up in the hotel safe.


Ask your travel team agent for more information in planning your trip by calling 1-800-788-0829 today!


Use Caution with Shared and Insecure Internet Connections

laptop on plane

While traveling you will see a lot of shared internet networks. Know the risk and use these connections with caution. Don’t do any banking, or visit any site where you need to type in passwords which could be shared later on.  Save the important stuff for when you are usin g secured wi-fi network. If you are traveling with your own laptop and using free Wi-Fi, it is important to make sure your connections are secure. Some websites let you log in over open networks; always try to use HTTPS:// instead of HTTP:// (the S stands for “secure” and indicates that the data is encrypted for more protection).


Delete All Cookies and Browsing History on Public Terminals

If you must use a public computer, the last thing you should do before you walk away is delete all cookies and browsing history before you log off. Many computers can cache quite a bit of significant information, and some websites are even set up to keep you logged in when you close the browser unless you specifically log off.


Use Only Bank ATMs

atm bank

Identity thieves have been known to install card readers in an ATM so they can access your card number and PIN. This happens most often at non-bank, “generic” ATMs (in hotels, convenience stores, etc.), which have less oversight and are therefore more vulnerable than bank-run and hosted ATMs. Keep away from ATM’s and just use the ones at banks; these tend to be targeted by thieves much less often.


Ask your travel team agent for more information in planning your trip by calling 1-800-788-0829 today!

Keep your luggage tags simple


It is not the safest idea to display all of your personal identifiable information on the tags. Just list your first name, cell phone and a PO box or email, rather than list your home address and more.


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