10 Things You Must Pack On Your Next Trip

10 Things You Must Pack On Your Next Trip

If you think packing for a trip is a chore, this is for you: A list of essentials – the things you must pack and things that are often forgotten, be prepared by sticking to this handy list….


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10 Things to Pack


Electronic accessories: We know you won’t forget your phone because it’s attached to your hand but do NOT forget: Charger cords, ear buds and headphones, maybe a portable charger, whatever you need to stay in touch. Keep this stuff in a carry-on bag or on your person so you can get to it when you need it!


Ask your travel team agent for more information in planning your trip by calling 1-800-788-0829 today!

International electronic stuff: Be sure you have the right power adapter plugs so you can use your charger cord (here’s a country guide to adapters). And don’t forget to contact your provider well ahead of your trip so you don’t get slammed by a big bill for international charges.


Cash and cards: If you want to buy a snack or meal on a plane, you’ll need a card. You won’t need much cash, but bring some.


Tip: If you’ll be heading to another country, go to the bank and get a couple of hundred dollars’ worth of local currency so you can hit the ground running. Use it on a trip to Sydney.


Documents and photos: Again, print your boarding pass and save it along with any luggage tags just in case there’s a problem with your flight or bags. If traveling internationally, photocopy your passport, carry a couple of extra passport photos and keep them separate from the original; it will be useful if you have to go to an embassy or consulate for an emergency replacement.


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Snacks: You may not get hungry on that hour-and-a-half long flight from but short hops have been known to drag on for hours due to weather or mechanical problems so always carry a few granola or power bars or a similar portable snack.


Clothes you’ll really wear: The key word is comfort. Only pack clothes you love, that fit, and look good on you; if one of those three ingredients is lacking, you’ll just be wasting space. Follow a similar color scheme so the top from one outfit goes with the pants from another, etc. As for shoes, try to limit yourself to two pairs you know are comfortable; pack one, wear the other.


Bathing suit: Even if you’re not heading to the beach, toss a suit in your bag; there may be a pool at the hotel (or a trip to a lake). A suit takes up almost no room and weighs next to nothing.


Eye wear: Sunglasses are not just a fashion accessory; bring them. If you wear regular glasses, pack an extra pair. Contacts? Don’t forget the solution. Use this on a trip to Phoenix (and those glasses will come in handy if you make the three hour drive to the Grand Canyon).


Ask your travel team agent for more information in planning your trip by calling 1-800-788-0829 today!

Health essentials: Pack vitamins, daily medications, maybe some aspirin and upset stomach remedies plus a few Band-Aids. Complete the mini-first aid kit with hand-sanitizer wipes and use them on seatback tray tables (the most germ-ridden part of a plane).


Noise-canceling headphones: It’s not just for the music; it shuts out screaming babies or other noise on long flights so you can sleep.


Call a Travel Team Agent today at 1-800-788-0826 to start planning your dream vacation!

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